Lemon Blend Tea
Lemon Blend Tea
Lemon Blend Tea

    Lemon Blend Tea

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      The Lemon Blend loose leaf tea by the Rare Tea Company blends vibrant lemongrass from Sri Lanka and Malawi with soft, smooth Malawian Lemon Verbena, creating a truly global blend. A full-bodied infusion with grassy notes of fresh hay and the sweetness of lemon drops. 

      Lemongrass:  The Lemongrass is from Sri Lanka as well as smallholder farmers in Malawi. These are year-round, sustainable crops that are grown mostly by women on small plots of less than a hectare, providing essential income for their families. 

      Lemon Verbena:  To complement the unique Lemongrass flavor, some soft, smooth Malawian Lemon Verbena from Satemwa has been blended in. This smooths the edges, softens the mouthfeel and has the wonderful effect of both enlivening and soothing in the same delicious sip.



      • Quantity:   Use 2g of leaf per 150ml of water.
      • Temperature:   For the optimum infusion use 100°C (212°F) water.
      • Time:   Infuse for 1 - 3 minutes, tasting regularly.
      • Infusions:   You can infuse these herbs at least three times.  With each careful infusion, different subtleties of flavor are revealed.
      • Cost per cup:  16 cents per cup based on 2g of tea per 150ml of water and 3 infusions. 


      Product details: 

      • Packaging: 25g
      • Clean, bright infusion
      • A full-bodied infusion with grassy notes of fresh hay and the sweetness of lemon drops.
      • Caffeine free