Creating Drinkable Art:
Meet Leslie Kirchhoff The Mastermind Behind Disco Cubes

July 09, 2020
Photo by Leslie Kirchhoff

Photo by Leslie Kirchhoff

by Mona Bavar





“Innovation is seeing what everybody has seen and thinking what nobody has thought.”


~ Albert Szent-Györgyi





An entrepreneur, DJ, photographer and cocktail consultant, Leslie Kirchhoff is the “coolest girl in the room”. Raised in Wisconsin, the Los Angeles based innovator is the founder and artist behind Disco Cubes, a company creating artisanal ice cubes for large-scale events by transforming flavorful cocktails into drinkable art. 


Using boredom as a tool for brainstorming new ideas and projects, Kirchhoff stays true to her main goal - "to create a beautiful atmosphere and environment, whether it be through visuals, music, drinks, or several things at one time." 


DLISH had a chance to learn more about the mastermind behind the multi-sensory cocktail sculptures, the DJ, photographer and overall genius.





Mona Bavar:  Can you please tell us a little about yourself?


Leslie Kirchhoff:  I’m an artist and entrepreneur living in LA. I have a creative and experimental studio, focused around ice and cocktails, and a project called Disco Cubes, which really ties all my interests together. 





Photo by Leslie Kirchhoff





MB:  You are a woman of many talents – photography, DJ, entrepreneur, innovator, etc. - which came first and how do the different expressions of you influence each other?  


LK:  Photography came first I suppose—I’ve been taking photos my whole life—but I also dreamt of being an inventor/entrepreneur since I was about 5 years old as well, and I was always ready and waiting for my million-dollar-idea. I knew that I wanted to have variety in my life, and spend my time doing things that I really felt passionate about. I think all of my interests go hand-in-hand by lending to the ultimate goal of creating a beautiful atmosphere and environment, whether it be through visuals, music, drinks, or several things at one time. 





MB:  Where did the inspiration for the Disco Cubes project come from?


LK:  It’s hard to pinpoint…but ultimately I think it came about during the hours I spent DJing, when I could just let my mind wander. I was fascinated with the idea of getting something to float in the center of a clear cube, which no one else seemed to be able to do, and I just kept imagining different ways to achieve that. I’m a big proponent of boredom and brainstorming—I think the best ideas are waiting to come out, but not enough people allow themselves to brainstorm without distraction. 





Photo by Leslie Kirchhoff





MB:  How are you dealing with lockdown/social distancing?


LK:  I’m a homebody in general, so I’m doing alright socially. Though it’s been an intense past few weeks with everything going on in the world. It’s a strange time we’re living in, and I hope some long-term good can come from it. 





MB:  Are you worried about the future of your work due to the impact of COVID-19?


LK:  I don’t like to worry about things I can’t control…I like to find solutions and new projects. I’m actually looking forward to the opportunity to pivot the business and explore ideas that I've pushed to the back burner over the years—I’m ready for a change and for growth. 





MB:  What do you envision the world post-COVID to look like?


LK:  Hopefully, it will be a cleaner, safer, more thoughtful world. I think we’ve all learned so much about our needs, our routines, who we’re supporting, and what we stand for, and we’ll all live life quite differently after this.  





Photo by Leslie Kirchhoff





MB:  What is your favorite cocktail? Recipe?


LK:  My favorite cocktail from my book is the Grace On Fire. The recipe is here, or of course, in the book :)





MB:  Are you doing any virtual events?


LK:  I’ve done a few virtual happy hours, but I’m taking some time off for now. There’s a lot on my to-do list and I want to put my time and energy into those projects first, but the next virtual happy hour is always in the back of my mind!





MB:  Any last words for our readers?


LK:  Yes—Now is a good time to find and follow your passion. Disco Cubes was a pretty outlandish idea at first, but it’s been incredible to see and hear how it’s inspired others. Just remember that no idea is too crazy if you’re passionate about it. 





Click here to learn more about the multi-hyphenate and see her work.